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The Tropical Single Malt Cocktail


Longing for a holiday in the sunny Caribbean? This cocktail will take your palate on a fruit rollercoaster and leave you on an imaginary beach with the perfect drink in hand.

How to make a Raspberry Shrub?
1 on 1 fruit and sugar maceration left for 2 days, fine sieve, add 1 cup of raspberry vinegar to every 2 cups of fruit syrup.

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40 ml Arran 10 Years Old
15 ml Triple Sec
15 ml Raspberry Shrub
30 ml Pineapple Juice
30 ml Fresh Lemon Juice
10 ml Peychaud’s Bitters


  1. 1

    Build in shaker over crushed ice.

  2. 2

    Shake all ingredients.

  3. 3

    Strain over fresh glass filled with crushed ice.

  4. 4

    Garnish with pineapple wedge and leaf.

Behind the Cocktail

Well established in the Belgian bar scene, Jef Berben’s favourite pastime is chasing new flavours. There are few things more satisfying than discovering new combinations and exploring unchartered sensorial territory, and what a joy it was to do so with the versatile and exquisite Arran Single Malt Whiskies.

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Try the whisky